• SQL Workshop

    Because of security issues I did a very small SQL workshop in my company focused on SQL Injections.

    So I explain them what they are, what the issues are and how to ensure not having any issues with them. Also some more topics in a rough walkthrough like proper database design and some best practices.

  • Semicolons in JavaScript are optional?

    I won’t make a suggestion for this nearly religion discussion using or omitting semicolons in JavaScript. But I experienced they are not always optional and omitting them can result in errors. So I will describe these scenarios and the workarounds.

  • Knex vs alternatives

    Working in code with a relational database can be done in different abstraction forms from writing SQL queries over using a query builder to completely abstract the type of the database by using an ORM. But it’s not only querying a database, also migration scripts needs to be defined and managed.

    So let’s have a critical look at knex, where is it worth to use, where not and what are the alternatives.

  • Durations - Avoid numbers without the format

    Durations are easy to understand. They are the timespan between two timestamps. But they are hard to manage, because different APIs need different formats: milliseconds? seconds? Also they should be human readable.

  • Write async code in JavaScript

    In a past article I described the async behavior in JavaScript. To write async code there are a lot of different options and every few months it switches to another. That results in every new project use another, or even worse every part of one project.

  • async behavior in JavaScript

    Understanding the async behavior is one of the largest milestone in learning JavaScript. I will give you a very first overview what it is.

  • If Heroku free is to small and hobby to large

    Sometimes apps should neither sleep nor use free dyno hours. Sometimes apps doesn’t get many requests to need the performance of a hobby dyno.

  • AI first @ maxdome

    Google ushered a new era with AI first last year. So we started preparing us for this future with a lot of PoC’s (= proof of concepts). I will describe a few of them to give you an overview about AI in general, Alexa and Google Assistent in particular.

  • Building requests step by step in a modularized way

    Requests to APIs can be very complex and need a lot of options: hostname, API keys, session tokens and at the end the HTTP method, route to the resource, parameters and so on.

  • Yarn, the better NPM?

    Yarn is a new package manager for JavaScript which can be used as substitute of NPM developed by Facebook and Google. I tried it out and want to share my first experiences with it which are not already presented at their homepage.

  • One logo to rule them all

    Logos are needed in different formats and sizes: Apple touch icons, favicon and much more. And maybe they are needed in several projects.

  • TypeScript and Performance: Monomorphic vs Polymorphic Code

    In one of my latest tech talks I said “TypeScript can increase the performance of the application”. There comes the question “How can this works, TypeScript gets transpiled into normal JavaScript”. Thats true, but using TypeScript helps to write better performing JavaScript.

  • Autopublish WordPress posts after an interval of silence

    Having periodically posts without much effort is easy to reach with the WordPress API. I will describe here what’s the use case and which solution I use.

  • Open Graph Tags for Facebook

    Facebook has the feature to show a summary of a webpage by writing the URL into a post. I will describe which information Facebook use and how its possible to change them.

  • Using third party libraries or write your own

    Using third party libraries or not is a hard decision for beginners. The advantages are not immediately visible in the first time and its so much faster to just start with exactly what you need.

  • Preloading assets into the cache for subsequent pages

    In some scenarios (e.g. having a landing page with the login to the client) the assets needed for subsequent pages are known, can preloaded into the cache and speeds up their first page view.

  • Package manager or public CDN

    There are many approaches to load third party JavaScript and CSS files. I will describe two of them and a solution to combine both to have most of the advantages.

  • Node.js clustering in multi CPU environments

    Node.js is single threaded. To use the capacity of multi CPU environments clustering is needed. There are solutions already available, so just have a quick look at one of them.

  • Split configuration and code

    Applications needs configuration depends on the environment, e.g. the credentials of a database. Lets have a look at different approaches solving this requirement, their pros and cons.

  • Context in JavaScript closures

    Closures are functions which use variables from the surrounded context. Using them without think about can result in unpredictable side effects:

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