In some scenarios (e.g. having a landing page with the login to the client) the assets needed for subsequent pages are known, can preloaded into the cache and speeds up their first page view.

Load assets without executing

The requirement for preloading is to load the assets, but not execute them and affects the page. So the <script> for JavaScript and the <link> for CSS won’t work here.

But there are another tags which loads assets. The <object> works for all browsers except Internet Explorer, which use another cache for <object> loaded assets. The Internet Explorer have with new Image() an alternative solution. So we combine this two approaches with a small browser detection:

$(function () {
  var caches = [
  var isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft') === 0;
  $.each(caches, function (k, cache) {
    if (isIE) {
      new Image().src = cache;
    } else {
      var object = $('<object>').attr({ data: cache, width: 0, height: 0});

Interesting information in this scenario: <object> requests will be blocked by the X-Frame-Option header set to DENY. The server delivers the assets must not set this header.


Preloading assets isn’t a build in feature of the browsers, but works with workarounds. The solution will speed up the first page view of the subsequent page without affecting the page we use to preload.